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Realpolitik: Musings on the current Philippine Political Battlefield

The Pieces are moving Iulius Caesar and Marcus Antonius would love this climate.

If this were likened to chess, this battlefield is between Aquino-Cojuancos vs Duterte's camp.

Battle in the Supreme Court is a proxy.

Sereno was a Rook and currently removed from the board.

Queen side bishop (CBCP) currently pinned.

Queen (the VP Robredo) still in a struggle against opposing queen (Marcos).

King side bishops in black squares (media groups) battling for supremacy (government media vs landed opposition media).

Next probable stop and possible to sway, Senate President pro Tempore and Senate Minority leader.

How did we get here?

The far superior and secular 1935 constitution of the Philippines that allowed the country to enter its golden age during the 50's had been shattered and replaced with the 1973 and 1987 constitutions respectively. The latter of which turned the fully secular constitution that finely separated church and state with a Christian one under the influence of the Catholic church in concert with the Aquino-Cojuanco oligarchy. This constitution sought to protect vested interests of the "Philippines" in the sense that it protected the interests of the local landed oligarchs who have maintained their hold on the country since then. Under this system, the common folk straggled on while being provided mediocre services from both government and the highly monopolized oligarch businesses. Citizens of the republic could only watch as little by little, our Asian neighbours whom in the past, admired and looked up to us, slowly but surely overtook our economy, military and social advancements.

As global understanding of political systems advanced, the Philippines' decayed under corruption, religious sway and pseudo-nationalistic protectionist policies. Anyone who gained power of some sort who would ever intend to change the system were easily removed and scandalized out of power through the media machine and both constitutional and judicial maneuverings. This created our culture of OFW's where the cream-of-the-crop of our nation left for greener fields outside the archipelago. Fast forward to more recent history, back during the previous administration's tenure as president of the country, former Chief Justice Corona removed due to SALN (and arguably because he sided with the Hacienda Luisita farmers). He was then replaced by then President Aquino with Sereno.

Sereno who failed to file her SALNs appropriately which technically disqualified her for the post, but was placed there anyway regardless of the rules.

So precedence set rules of the current political battlefield:

If SALN is not declared and filed, a Chief Justice can be removed. That was the message several years ago. Therefore current. (Note: I'm playing with post hoc ergo propter hoc yes. But also, rules of political war changes due to precedence: 'You cheat, so will we'.)

Current set of Sereno's peers therefore found her sitting on a chair she was not qualified for to begin with and removed her.

In both cases, Aquino and Duterte stated they wanted nothing to do with issues (respective) tho both stated they didn't like their chief justices.


Aquino said to Duterte before stepping down, "Do not change the status quo."

Duterte announced changing the system to a parliamentary federalist government and change the status quo.

(Note: With the status quo and system, Philippines has been in a slump for several decades.)

Politics is a very dirty game.

From an ideological standpoint which focuses on ethics and morality, the current administration's actions are far from desirable. There is nothing wrong with idealism and the high standards which it invokes and promotes, but a closer look at the nature of politics and reality requires a pragmatic approach that takes into account the various variables that exist within the game itself. Idealists will, depending on their innate strength of character, either drown or be absorbed into the system they fervently want to change or be the very thing they oppose in order to gain the improvements they want - because the system demands it.

If one follows the system and its design, such a leader will never be able to change anything and will be stuck with countless delays, the bureaucracy will be attacking it from all corners and the changes that have long been planned will end up in the back-burner ending up as nothing more than a footnote in history. On the other hand, if he plays outside of the rules the way the system's designers often do, such a leader will be vilified and opposed with the full weight and pressure of the established pieces of the very same designers. It is, after all, designed in such a way that only the designers can break the rules without impunity.

Tho not a fan of Machiavelli, but understanding his concepts and fine observations allows for a far more accurate judgment of politicians and their political maneuverings than any idealistic goggle would. His words are well founded on the actual nature of things after all - not in benevolent desires..

The current president's realpolitik is working very well and its effects are far from subtle. One may argue him a genius or a fool, but there is no denying that he is playing the game of thrones on an equal footing against those who have long held power and influence in our nation.

Only time will tell if the ends justify the means, but we can be very sure that the means used are very underhanded and dastardly ruthless in many ways. Machiavelli would look on with approval at this.

When the president won the national elections with overwhelming victory, I imagined Caesar crossing the Rubicon with the words "ἀνερρίφθω κύβος (Let the game be ventured)." The president knew the game, he had years observing how his current opponents wielded their clout and the media machine that kept the plebeians in check. The only way he could swim this was to play fire with the same kind of fire. Nobody said it would be easy, but it could be done. Charter change is possible, but not by playing fairly because the oligarchy isn't and will not play that way neither. The funny and ultimately sad thing about the Left is that for all the changes the Liberals advocate and for all the progress that Progressives desire and push for, few are willing or even aware of the ruthless steps necessary to actually get the grime and dirt that is the current system, built for and by the oligarchy to maintain their power and the poor in poverty, out of the way. The grime and dirt that keeps the wheel from turning needs to be cleaned up with a very powerful solution. On the other hand, the Right, long blind, limp and outdated, still can't accept that their way of doing things is as ineffective as the Left's is indecisive. Inch by inch the wheel is starting to turn... but at what cost? What is true, however, is that the system needs to change in order for the country to finally move forward with proper steps rather than by limping.

At some point, I got disenthisized about our political culture in this country and now seek to simply observe the game and see where it leads. Until things get really out of hand, the common folk can only do so much independently beyond the machinations of media and lobbyists.

How will things play out in the end? Will it be a repeat of trends that have been going on for decades? Or will it usher radical changes that will make or break our civilization's place in history?

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